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what I think about documentary filmmaking

A few aspects of documentary filmmaking I feel strongly about are: telling a story without being totally gruesome, overly pedantic or sappy. Dialogue is king however, the environment, the sense of place is essential to maintaining interest and believability in the story.

Audiences are encouraged to think and to form opinions about the content. Audiences are made aware that the film they’re watching has been constructed. I try to include male and female opinions equally. As a filmmaker, I aim to be objective and accurate in the details, but I also realize there are built-in factors which prohibit that entirely.

As an independent female documentary filmmaker, I consider myself an educator as well as an entertainer. I facilitate a person’s understanding by appealing to their intellect; to their visual and auditory senses; as well as to their emotions, and if I’m lucky, hopefully evoking their memories.

2 Responses to “what I think about documentary filmmaking”

  1. patricia

    Yes–allowing the viewer to come to their own conclusions! It’s the same with challenge with essay-writing. It’s easy to tell people what to think, but much more interesting–and challenging–to tell a story that leaves space for their own thoughts. I’m so excited to see your final project. Eventually. :)

    • Kristin

      I’m working hard on my film about Sound Designer Richard Beggs! Thank you for commenting. As an accomplished and published writer, you speak with authority on the topic of storytelling.


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